Sunday, August 15, 2010

Is this it?

Once again, i return to this place. damn sucks everytime i'm here it's to blog about unhappy stuff. when can the happy stuff start to fill this place? you were sick today and i went down to your place, cooked for you but ended up quarrelling.. during the quarrel smses, you asked me why wouldnt i be like the other girls, more gentle and good tempered? when you tell me such things, i just feel so broken do you know? i feel that you are starting to dislike me for being me. after so long, you still want me to be LIKE OTHER GIRLS.. sighs i've never felt so sucky before in this relationship. so sick of it. even the previous quarrels are nothing compared to this.. i cant be other girls because i am me. if you really want a gf who is gentle, kind, slim and whatever then go find them. i am not the one for you. i cant be that and i cant imagine me being that. my heart is hurting but no one knows..